Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1698 (H 6. 22)
  • s. xvi
Not yet published
“Trinity College, Dublin”, Anne-Marie OʼBrien, and Pádraig Ó Macháin, Irish Script on Screen (ISOS) – Meamrám Páipéar Ríomhaire, Online: School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1999–present. URL: <>.
Abbott, T. K., and E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of the Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co, 1921.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
323–329   Abbott, T. K., “1695–1696; 1698–1701; 1712–1716”
MSS 1695; 1696; 1698 (p. 323); 1699 (pp. 323-325); 1700 (p. 325); 1701 (pp. 325-326); 1712 (pp. 326-327); 1713 (p. 327); 1714 (p. 328); 1715 (pp. 328-329); 1716 (p. 329)